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Who this course is for:
- Investors who would rather skip all the fluff and actually learn how to close a real estate deal!
- Investors who want to get into Real Estate investing with as little money and risk possible!
- Any new or experienced investor Interested in expanding their Real Estate Investing knowledge.
There are several reasons why if you’re considering getting started in real estate, wholesaling may be the most attractive method for you:
- A wholesaler does not need to invest any funds of their own into a property.
- You do not have to have good credit or be able to qualify for a loan.
- Low risks: Once the sale is complete, a wholesaler no longer has any legal responsibility to that property. This is much less stressful than being a landlord and worrying about repairs, lawsuits, and unclogging toilets!
- You can turn a fast profit within 30 days, unlike rental property, which takes longer to see a return on investment.
- Look at who else benefits… The seller is able to sell their problem property, which may or may not have sold otherwise. And, they did so without having to invest any cash and sweat equity of their own. Additionally, they get to sell the property quickly, without having it linger on the market for weeks or months! And, the investor/buyer you found is able to purchase an excellent investment property well below market value without needing to do any of the searching on their own. In layman’s terms, a wholesaler could be considered a middleman of sorts. A seller offers to sell a house, a wholesaler puts the house under contract, and a buyer purchases it (from the seller directly, usually).
House of Wholesaling Courses are designed specifically to eliminate the confusion of what to do, how to do it and why you’re even doing it in the first place.
Learn to Avoid 5 of the BIGGEST mistakes most investors go through when starting out by being apart of House of Wholesaling.
- Mistake: Not having the confidence and knowledge of what to do from start to finish.
- Mistake: Allowing the fear of making a mistake to hold you back from following your dreams.
- Mistake: Not understanding how to communicate with sellers or correctly market to buyers.
- Mistake: Not learning how to create an offer the seller can’t refuse..
- Mistake: Not knowing how to legally fill out a contract with both seller and buyer.
And so much more with many more hidden GEMS 💎.
There are three problems with most real estate programs out there:
1. With most programs, you never learn step-by-step what to do.
2. With most programs, you learn about theory.
3. Theory-only programs ruin your chances of taking action and making money.
For a program to work, the action steps must be taught so you know how to take action.
You need to learn the correct steps taught in specific order so you’re not running in circles and wasting time.
That’s what the House of Wholesaling Courses are all about.